SampsonRMC的皮肤科住院医师是一个严格而有竞争力的项目,吸引了全国顶尖的医生. Designed to offer a comprehensive program that provides clinical, procedural, and didactic education in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, the program helps residents become competent, proficient, 以及获得美国皮肤病学会认证的专业皮肤科医生.

我们项目的住院医师参与教学和临床课程,并在SampsonRMC提供的环境中完成轮岗.  临床经验旨在确保纵向和连续性的护理培训,包括实践经验, self-evaluation, and faculty evaluation.

100%通过了美国皮肤病协会的认证, 我们的皮肤科住院医师计划致力于为住院医师提供卓越的临床和教育经验. 我们致力于通过提供最高质量的医疗服务,为我们所服务的社区提供卓越的患者护理, laser, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology. 住院医生在一个支持专业和个人成长的教育环境中接受教育,并教导住院医生在尊重的环境中实践皮肤科, professional, and ethical manner.

At SampsonRMC, 我们致力于提供一种研究和临床研究的氛围,以提高每位住院医生的知识基础,并创造一种终身学习的文化. 住院医生在北卡罗莱纳州的各种临床环境和人口统计数据中都有参与,这加强了住院医生对不同文化和皮肤科实践方法的尊重. 我们的员工致力招聘多才多艺的住院医生,以体现我们多元化社区应有的专业精神和服务热情.


  • Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Atlantic Dermatology
  • Aurora Diagnostics
  • Coastal Carolina Pathology
  • Wilmington Health Dermatology
  • New Hanover Regional Medical Center 


Jarrett Casale, DO


Abigail Hunter, DO


Jesse Dewey, DO


Paarth Dodia, DO


Ryan Geis, DO


Kayd Pulsipher, DO




PGY2 - $58,140
PGY3 - $60,180
PGY4 - $61,200

Effective July 1, 2024

PGY2 - $2,000/year - $1,000 in July / $1,000 in January
PGY3 - $2,000/year - $1,000 in July / $1,000 in January
PGY4 - $2,000/year - $1,000 in July / $1,000 in January

SampsonRMC offers residents full health insurance benefits. 居民可以选择传统的PPO计划和HDHD计划. 所有福利计划自入职之日起生效,因此没有等待期. To review our current benefits package, click here.

通过在门诊和住院设置教学和临床经验, the resident will gain fundamental knowledge, skills, attitudes, and principles essential to the practice. This is accomplished through the care of a large, diverse patient population with a broad variety of pathology; the design of treatment programs that integrate osteopathic manipulative treatment into total osteopathic medical management of all disease processes; and attendance at formal educational programs.

Clinical experience includes dermatopathology, Mohs surgery, general, cosmetic, and pediatric dermatology. 住院医师将在新汉诺威地区医疗中心每周一次的住院医师门诊和住院会诊中获得实践经验. 除了在诊所和医院照顾病人, our residents participate in a rigorous didactic curriculum, attend several national dermatology conferences each year, and publish cutting-edge research in the field of dermatology.

Teaching methods include lectures, conferences, seminars, demonstrations, simulations, individual and group study of histologic slides, clinical rounds, instruction in the patient care setting, chart and record reviews, 教师培训课程包括小组和一对一的课程, book and journal reviews, and attendance at local, regional, and national meetings.

由于皮肤科的广度和不可预测的性质,其中疾病和条件将在临床设置中看到, 皮肤科需要大量的实习时间投入到临床环境之外的学习中. 我们的教学课程涵盖了皮肤病学中的一系列疾病, 但是,要成为一名高度称职的皮肤科医生,重要而持续的自学是必不可少的. 居民对此有不同的方法,但平均每周阅读6-12小时. This reading should be directed in two primary ways, the first being required to read or review materials such as slides and/or textbook chapters in preparation for didactic sessions and small group microscope sessions; the second being individual reading directed by personal interest cases seen throughout the day, 哪些有助于增加临床知识的吸收和保留.

Resident meetings take place on the first Monday of every month. One resident each meeting will be required to take meeting minutes. The Program Director will attend. 项目主管还将每周为住院医师提供办公时间. 这使得主任和住院医生可以非正式会面,并解决任何问题或担忧,因为他们出现.

我们的教学课程的组织,以确保居民接触到皮肤科医生遇到的疾病的完整范围. Every 12 months in a clinical setting, residents will cover basic science, procedural dermatology, pediatric dermatology, dermatopathology, and cosmetic dermatology. On average, 我们的课程要求每周在临床时间之外进行大量阅读, ranging from one to two hours nightly or 150-200 pages weekly.

Surgery and cosmetic dermatology training includes suture clinic, Botox, injectables, laser, sclerotherapy, PRP didactic and hands-on training, and new product demos.